746 The PraRice of Piety few in dayes, but full in coils: Gen.47.$. and I any weary of it,by reafon of myfinnes : Let me therfore '(O Lord)intreate thy Maieüy in Reg t g, this my bed ofjckne fe, as Elias did under the Iuniper tree inhis affliction it is nowenonah,O Lord; that I have lined J long in this vale of miferie : take mj foule into t h.7 mercifull hands, for 1 am no 6et.rer then mj Fa. .thers. Iam4.I. Ga2.3.I7, on againareafon: Earth againff Heauen: and the world witbirz thee banding it felfe for the World without thee; and that but one onely meane remaines to end this confiift, Death /which (in Gods . appointed lime Thefecond Thought. Hinke with what a body.ef finne thou arc loden, what great ciuill warms are contai- ned in a little World; the 116 fighting agairafl the Spirit;pce, i-