The Praïlice or Piet7. titne) wilt i°peraLe thy Spirit from thy fiefh, the pare and re- generate part of thy foule, from that part which is imptare and ^unregenerate. ï ,4 The fpiritasEall 'S'kh vp`ort the f e - cend Thottght. Wretchedman that 1 ßrvt, R0111,7 .2 who fhall delitser mee fror.s the body of this death? O my fvv ete Sauivttr Iefus Chrifi, -:thou haft redeemed me with -thy -preciot.s bloud.aartd besatsfe thou hdascl deliuer; cd rtsy fohle fr<fm'f:n, Ap '.Pet.a. oc. mine eyes from tearet, and my -fret fr'r.m falling .I dee here Ka ,I i ó, 8 from the >:ry b:rttoYizz cf my her t, af crtEte the ,-Ni,raf praifa and g?ory of my Illuation, to thy orie,ygrace aaari mercy, ing (with t1,e hoiy Thank,.r be vrsto God wNch bath .,or. r $: :Omen me the vino), ¡brag. s,. ear Lord leftst Gbrig. 1 Pfal, t 45. K 2 The -4