74$ f The PraRiceofPiety, The third Tbaught. Iinke how it behooves thee to be afl'ured, that thy foule is Chriiis: for death hash taken fufficient gages to afore himfelfe of thy body, in that all thy Senfes begin alrea. dy to die, faue onely the fence ofpaine; but fish the beginning of thy being began with Paine, rnaruell the leffe if the end con - 1 clude with dolours.But if thofe temporali dolours(which only affli k thy body) be fo painful': O Lord, who can endure the de- 1643.14. uouring fire? Who can abide the ,cucrlafting burning? The fpirituall Sigh vpon the third r hought. Lord Iefus Chrift, the Sonne of the li.uing God, who are the onely Phyftian that cana eafc . my God, from t paire