Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Practice of Piety. 749 Nine ; and reflore my Soatle l to life eternali; put thy Pafon, Crop, and Teatb, betwixt my Sorsleand thy Judgements, and let the merits of thy Obedience (land betwixt thy Fathers 1u. ffice and my di/obedience, and from the fe bodily pines =due my foule into thine euerlafling peace: for I cry vnto thee with Stephen, Lord lefts: receiue nut Aet7.1. fpirit. The fonrth 2honght. 'Ttflinke that the worfl that death can doe, is but to fend thy foule fowler then thy fie (h would bee. willing, to Chrin and his heauenl y ioyes. Remember, that that worfi is thy bet/ hope.The wor(i there- i fore of death, is rather a helpe.' then a hare. K 3 The