Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

t 750 The PratticeofPiety. The f)iritatall Sigh vpon the. fourth Thought. rt Lord Ierns Chrif, the Sauiour of all them that put their truft in thee: forfake not him that in miferie flyeth vnto., thy, Grace for fuccout. and mercy; O. found that fx eet voice in the cares of cry Soule, which thou fpakeft unto, the penitent thief on the Crofe, Luke., This day fhalt thou, be with mee 45, 3' in Paradife. For,I, O Lord,doe (with the Apoltle) from my Soule fpeak vnto thee, 1 defrre too be difolded, and to bee with ChriJL The f ft Th`ttaght. THinke (if thou feareít to die) That in Alou,nt Sion.. Ifa,s,7,g there is no death for he that be_ lie,seth in Chr, if?,/. ,ll neuer die. Iob.ii.25 And if thou dared to line with