Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Practice of Piety. s without doubt the life eternall, ( whereunto this life is a paf- 1aÁe )ftrpafferb ,all. There doe alt the faithful' departed (ha u ing ended their miferies) But with Chrifi in ioyes :and thi- ther (hall all the godly which furuiue, be gathered out of their troubles; to enioy with him eternal' rel.. The ffirituall Sigh vpon the fift Thought.. Lord thou feefl the maw lice of Sathan, who (not contenting hirnfelfe, like a roa- ring lion,all the oldies and nights ! r .Fet. x,s of our life, to feelte our dettru- ¡¡ fion) himfelfe .mo(' 6tsfe, when thy Children are weakeí7 and nearef to their end. O Lord reprove hissa,& prefer= . m fouie. He feeks to terrifie me with decth, which my fier haue defertied; but let thy holy. .Spirit comfort my flank with ,the affurance of eternal' Life, K k 4 which-