Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

752 Lsik tz,9, The PraTiice of pieu which thy Blond bath !mocha- fed. Ail-wage my paine,increafe my patience, (and if it be thy bleffed will)cnd my troubles; for my foule befeecheth thee wich old bleffed Simeon, Lord.. NOW let me thy fernant depart in peace,according to thy t;zord. The fixt Tho#ght.. THjnke with thy (elfe, what a bl fl ng God hath be- flowed vpon thee,a6oue many, millions of the world, that whereas they are either Pa- gans, who worthip not the true Gods or Idolaters, who worthip the true God falfely Thon hail Hued in a true Chri. flan Church, and baa grace to die in the trtee ChriThan Faith; 'and to be buried in the Sepul- cher of Gods Seruarat; who all waice for the hope of lfrael,'the railing of their bodies in the Refurralian of the lull. They