----r-- ,{/ The Praíiice of Piety. 7S$ The JJiritual Sigh vpon the fixt Thought. OL O R D Iefus Chrit ,who Ioh,1 c.z $ V art the Re(urre lion and 26. the life, in whom whofoeuer be- Vert 24. leeueth, !ball lime though hee were dead, l beleeate, that who. foeuer liueth, and beleeueth in thee Jlali neuer die: I know that I 'hall rife agaiss in the Refurre- llion ofthe lafl day: for I am fure tob. 194.5 that thou my Redeemer liue/l: 26' Andthough that after my death wormer defiroy this body, yet r /hallfee thee my Lord, and my Cod in thisfáelh.Grant therefore O Chriff, f or thy bitter death & paffion fake, that at that day I may be one of them to whom thou wilt pronounce that ioy. full fentence ;Comeyeebleffedof Mara5,4s my _Father:inherit the kingdome prepared for you before thefoun.. datien of the world. K k 5 The