754 The PraElice of 'Piety. 2 e fessent* ?hotsgla. Hinke with thy felfe how Chrit endured for thee a curd death, and the wrath of Gal. 33 od, which was due vnto thy Lam,Y,tz 'nnes,. arrd what terrible pairie and cruel torments the 400ftles and c.í`Ylartyrs haue voluntarily fuifered." for the defence of Chriiis Faith,when they might haue hued by di embling or denying him: how much more willing _ fhouldefi thou bee to depart in the Faith of Chri. hauing leffe pines to torment thee; and more me ;nes to corn. fort thee? . T`he§,iritseall"Sigh 'upon thefe- :tenth 7 bought. OLord,my annes haue de. ferued the pines of Hell;' and eternali death: much more theftfatherly correi/ions,wher with