The Prallice of Piety. with thou doetl afflté mee. But O ble; fed Lamb of God, which takeil away the [Ames of Iob.1.29. the world,haue mercy upon mee, and wafh away all my filthy fins with thy moil precious blond: Apo. ;.a. and receitte my fvull into thy heanen y ICingdome;for into thy; hands, O Father, I.commend Luk 234. my Spirit, and thou haft redee- med mee, O Lord, thou god of truth. ?5> The fcke perfon ought now to fend for fome godly and re- ligious `Eafter. ¡ Iï any wife remember (if conueniently it may bee) to fend for forne godly and religi- ous Paftor, ,not onely. to pray for thee at thy death(for God in fuch a cafe bath pronged to hear..ethe Prayers ofthe righ- teous Prophet, and b Elders of the Church) but alfo ypon thy confef_ I Ffal 31.5. a G èn: a o, I er. I $i2o_ and 3 I. Eze.q. t 40 I.Sam.g. 7 & 21. 11932. b Ia+n. f. 14,15,4.