Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

756 The Prat-lice of `Piety. con fef on, and vnfained repus. tance, to abfolrae thee of thy finnes. For, as Chri(i bath gi. uen him a Calling., to baptize thee unto repentance for the re mi Erin of tby fnnes, fo hach hee like wife giuen him a calling, d power and e authority, (vRon repentance)to abfolue theefrom thy faunes. e 1 will give thee the Reyes of the Kingdame of flea- men: and whatfoetter thou fhalt binde vpon earth, fhall be bound in Heau'n: and whatfoeuer thou /halt loofe on earth,lhall be loofed in Heauen. And againe, Verily Mat ta S. a 8` Ifa, veto you, whatfoeuer yee dinde on earth, fhall be bound in Heaaaen,and wbatfoeuer yeelaafe. in earth, fhald be Wain hauen. toi .zoo2al And againe,Receiueyee the holy Çhofl,whofoeauer fins ye remit, they are remitted veto themand »hofóeuer fnntsye retaine, they are retained. This Do6rine . was as ancient in the Church of Iob.33.13 God, as hob, for elihra tels him, That' e Mar.aiq. Act.' 9.4. d i.Cor.s ca.Cor. io.r. f Mat. t 6., a9.