1;11;01: -- 70 I The PraFlice of Piety. To this of their owne (for fo onely Bend ltnaith`: Chri(U their MaRer furgiueth. AC t.c. t 3 finnes but c_ftni,lerialiy,as the cl.r3Thsotr f rrsant of Chrif¢, and ftezr4rdf nibus Pa- to whole fidelity the Lord ßoribus & and Trailer hath committed ?lYt;ei his Keyes: and that is when 6Q,xg. they doe declare and pronounce `eq"l'Is either publikely or privatly,by s abr`it I the word ofGod whàt bindeth pota(iatar, cuius frgrú, what loofeth, and the mercies eft quoa of God to penitent (inners; or om es ex his lodgement to impenitent Aequ () :igart f c fotuut, and ob,Ainate perfans : and fo vt Now. doe apply the general prof f s Papifis or threatnings to the penitent dare net or impenitent. For Chrif+ from . deny this. Heauen loth by them (as by uilifitt (a cerdos(quá- his 1'Iinifersonearth) declare- zum eft ex whom he remitteth and bindetb virtute and to whom bee will open the etausium) gates of Request, and againi1 babel pate- whom he will fhut them. And rerr to therefore it is not Paid : whofe itP,ereszter in onuses. , (imam ye fznifie to be remitted, Ynfuppie, but whof fnnesye remit. They ment,Tl.i then doe remit finne, becaufe 4.6. t Chrifi