Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The FreiRice of Piety. 759 Cárif>z 6y theirminifiery remit- tetbfrnnes,as Chrift by his Tif; crier loofed Lataros, fops. I I. 44. And as no Water could waCh away Naamans Leprof e, but the Water of lordan, (though- other .Riuers were as clearer becaufe the promife was - annexed Vnro the Water of /or- clan, and not -of other Riuers) So, though another man may pronounce the fame wordy, yet haue they not the fathe c f racy 'and power to -worke on the Confcience, as when they are pronounced from the mouth of c^; briar Minifiers, becaufe that the* prorrife is annexed co the TT/ord of God in their mouches : for them bath he b chofeii, e feparated,anc diet as. part for this work, and to ¡hem he. bath committed the e Mini- fiery and nord of reconciliation, by their holy f caging, and gor- dination they haue receiued the h holy'G,boll,and the minifieri.s/l poner! Iohn io. * z;. bAf.I.a.24. c Afá.as.a dRorra.Ia e z.Cor.g 18,19. fA4Ì.i3.« .Cor. i. Hcb.S4 g.T'it.i . . , h Iohn.2a 22.23. A 3.24 ,