6o The Praffice of Piety. power of binding and looting. They are Pent forth of the holy Choft, for this worke whereunto he bath called them. And Chrifl giues his Mini- tiers power to forgiue Cnnes to the penitent, in the fame * 4, * words that bee teacheth vs in a*,..m: the Lords Praier,to delire God `a{expTtzs 101,,, nl to forgiue vs our fnnes; to allure all penitent finners, that God by his Mini(lers abfolu- tibn, loth fully, through the merits of Chtifls bloud,forgiue them all their fumes. So that what Chirifl decreeth in Hea.. uen, In faro Isadici j, the fame he declareth on earth by his recon -- ciling 1G1ini/iers, in faro pceni- tentia: fo that as God bath re- conciled the world to himfel fe by lefaas Chrifl fohathhe(fatth the Apof }le) given vnto vs the Ali - ni Eery of reconciliation. He that fent Chem to baptize, faying,lo and teach all nations; kaptizing them, &c. fent them alto