The Pr arlice of Piety. j alf0 to remit finnes, Laying, 4s my Fatherfeat me, fo fend l yore: tehoforsaer finnes ye' remit, they are remitted vnto them, &c. M therefore none canbaptiz;e, (though he vfe the fame water, and words) but onely the law- ful Minif1er which Chri{ hash called and authorifed to this di. vine and mini.fieriall funUion; fo though others may comfort with good words; yet.none can abfoltee from fittne, but onely chofe, to whom Chrift bath committed the holy Minilery and word of reconciliation: and of their ad folution Chriff fpea- keth,hethat heareth you heareth me. In a doubtful titl',thott wilt aske the counfeil of thy skilfuall Lawyer; in perill offickyes,thou wilt know the advice of thy l a ned Phyltian,& is there no danger in dread of damnation for aligner to be his owne itedge? Iudicìous Calvin teaGheth this point of Doórine mots plainely 761 loh 2o. IZs13> 2 Cor, 2. 7.10, Heb.S 4 I . Cor. s . i 8,19. Lúk.[o.xó