___ 7 be P: gc`lice of Piety: plainc;y: .Etfs omnes mutuo nos< debewnsus confoiari, c,i.c, e,-il. thouyh(faith he) wee ought to, comfort d- confirm' one another in the confidence of Jods mercy, Iyet wee fee that the C.í?inif ers are appminte, as rvitnefes and. furctics to afcertaine otir Con. fciences of the reraairion of Sins: Infortauch as they cr.e faid to re- mit ,i fnnes, and to loofe foules: Let csaery faithful man therfore remember that it is hss duty (if inwardly he be vexed and alp_. Eyed with the fenre of his fnnes) not to neglcfl that remedy which, is offered vsnto him by the Lord, to wit, that (for the eating of bis ConfcierrMe) be mak,: pri. state conf effion of his ,Ìtnrnesvnto his rPaflar;and that he delire his pri.tiate endeauouur for' the appli- cation of f'Y/Je comfort ?i?7tohua, fou/e, bvhore 05 .76, it iJ (hoth pub- lu'Ely and primat ely) to adr.aini- f er F, usanSelicall Caxfola;iosu to (lods people. TeZR