The Praice of Piety. Beta hibhly * commendeth this pra6tife, and Luther faith, 'That he had rather lofe a thou fand worlds, then refer primate confeJon to be thrufi out of the Church, Our Church bath euer moll afottndl3 maintained the truth of this doctrine; but moil ics/ly abolifhed the tyrannous, arid Aritichriflian abufe of Po- pifh Auricular confejon which they thruil, vpon the foules of Chrif ians, as an Expiatory fa_ crif ce, and a meritorius faci` faE ion -for, ftñne; , racking theirs Confciences to confeíí'e, when they feele no difirefie, and to enumerate all their finoes,. which . is impoffible : that by this tneanes they might dite into the fecrets of all men, which oft times bath, proucd, pernicious ,not onely to primate perrons, but to publie Stater. ' But the truth of Gods . Word is, that no perron, bating te_ ceiued Orders iu the Chirrchof Romej 763 * ltt ,.4nith. papalaz chrißiapif voila .66 Luther to 6.fet.to9. e&feq. a Wiuies our Litur- gy D. Ho/. abfolued D.Rainol:_ who not being ableto fpeake, kifhed the hand whe.wit he was abflued: