4_ The Pra Rice of Piety- Rome can truely abfolue afin, ner: for the Keyes of 4bfoltsti on ate two; the one is the Key fA oc, ( of and that onely Mar.2.7 Q f Chrill hath : the other is the. Luk. s l i Key of Minifi:ery; and this he t Mat.'s. c glues to his i 1inif ers,who to. are therefore called the (Mi. Q i.Co4.1 I ni.iers of Chris`i; The u Stew. sr r.0 or. 3 20. ards of Gods Myferies:The miniferÿ x ilmbaJJadors of Reconcilinti- clauisdu- on, Bi/hops,P41ors, Elders &C. plexeß,vna gut Chri,ii neuer ordained in Punka di(_' the New Tef amens any or_ eeruendi. , i Cord a. der of f4crificing Priefis, nei lio. ther is the name of eapeúç, Y loll ,:.> s. which properly fignifleth s .. ' 5.1.5. cerdos i can Prie i, sa eR pa- I 9 or l acr . s g te¡1as ligan- ch & atifol- uendi. !oh n as wen to any officer of Chrifi, in all the New Teflament Neither do We read in all the fat tp.gI New Te(larnent, of any, who Hob 7.24v confeffed himfe,fe to a PrieJ , 27,28. but haw. Neither is there any reali Prief in the New Tefla, meut, but one!) Chra/i.Neither is where any part of his Prie fl- hood