Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

TloePradice of Piety. 65 hood, to be now accomplifhed on Earth, but that which bee Web. 84. fu1611eth in Heauen, by ma- I Heb 745. king interccfflon for vs. Seeing therefore Chrifl neuer ordai- ned any order of Sacrificing Priefis; and that `Popifh Priefs fcorne the name of 1E4inifiers -of the cofpell, to whom onely Chrifl committed his :Keyes: It neceffarily followeth, that nopopifh Prief,can truly either excommunicate or abfolue any finner, or haue any lawn full right to meddle wich Chrifis Keyes. But ti :e Anti - chni,f ian abufe cf this Diuine Ordinance, fhotald not aholifh the lawfull vfe thereof betwixt is ChrifIians and their Paflours in gifts of diireffe of confci_ ence, for which it was chiefly ordained. And verily, there is not any meanes more excellent to hum- ble a proud heart;nor to raife vp an humble fiirit,then this fpirì- .rua11