The Pr tiice of Piet_ y. tuall conference 'betweene the , I afior and the people corn. misted to their charge. ifany finne therefore troubleth thy con(cience,,confeflè it to Gods j4 iniler,aske his- councell,and ! if thou doll truly repent, ! receiue this e.41olution : And then doubt not in foro Conrci- entit but thy finnes are as verily forgiuen on ,earth, as if thou did heare Chri(l hinfelfe in f. ro Itrpicii, pronouncing them to be forgiuen in Heauen. Qtri Vos audit, me audit; Hee that heareth you heareth mee. Trie this, and tell me whether thou fhalt not find more cafe in thy confcience, then can be exprefied in words. Did pro® phase tnen confider the Dig- nity of this Diuine Calling. they would the more honour the Calling, and reuerence the serf ons. The tick man (-haling thus ,cared his confcience, and recel' ued