Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

TlaePraElice of f Piefiy. ucd his r bfolestion) many doe well ( hauing a conueniert number of °faithfull Chritlians ioyned with him) to teceiue the holy Sacrament ofthe Lords Supper, to encourage him in his Faith; to difcourage the ,Deuill in his ajraults. In this refpe& the c Counce/l of Nice c conal termeth this Sacrament, Yiati. ' 'teem. cum, the foules prouifzon for' her i z. iourney. And albeit the Lords Supper bee an Ecclef aflicall a &ion, )et for as much as our Lord (at the fsrfl inflitution)ce- lcbrated itin a d private houfe, and that e S, `Paul ter meth the 2. :hoof's ofChriflians the r;hur- Is317..22, t ,ches of Chrifiz and that 1 Chri ritotn.S,y bin-if-elk bath promifed to bee Pb:t.v,z. in the middes`i of the faith u`ll, to. ,inhere but two or three are ga- lhered together in his name:l fee no reafon, but if C ìritli- ans defire it ( when they are not, through ficknefie, able to cote to the Church) but that they