Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The P --ce of Ptety ¡ they íhoubd r:ceiue, and Pa.' fors ought to adminïfier vn. ro them the Sacraments al hc:me. He fheweth more fm. plicity then knowledge, who thinks that this fauours of a priiscte Mafe:.for a lVlaífe is, ealbed priiiate, not becaufe it is faid in a private houfe,but be- a kw/1 caufe as Bithop a«inf ttl ( a Ietvc11 tea- Hardàra cheth out of b Aquinas) the 41t i 3' Priefl receineth the Sacrament ef pri zate himielfe alone w ithCUt dif}ri- I Maf%, button made vr,to others, and Fo/4. then it is private,a!thou` h the b8 aràt/`ts v hole iarifh be prefc-nt and fbciiJ+ booke vfon him. There is vrus fit as much difference betweene pu;ëns,(èi- fuch a Communion, and the I tic" mini' idoll of' a private a",'. Map as there is betwixt pttlà lottti.a pérjonam Heuen and hell, For at a i germi,Aciu,!, Communion, in a }5rië&ateFa-! par.z Í til, vpat, fucl; an extraordinam . 51u11. 6$° r Y occ:afion Chr-i.>ri his inf itud i Ait. 3. ticis is obferued; Many faith:¡ 'ull Brethren meet together, l and!