Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Praí"tice of P iety. the time ofreceitein but it ex tends it felfe to the zThole time o f mans life afterwards: the effica- cy vvhereof did men through. 1 iy vnderf} and, they fnould not need to bee often exhorted to receiue ir. _amonitáo P4Tores *males hic exoratos ad Pa¡áores vellem, vt ,in h lifts controuerf a ftattsn, penitus intro /piciens, nec fideles ex hac vita migrantes,& panem vita petentes, viatico eo Ì, f °audari (inant, ne lug ubris uffa in i¡s adimpeleatur laraentatio: 1am.4.4. Paruuli panem petunt, 3 non fit qui;rangat C S As therefore when a wicked Liuer dyeth, he may fay to a.,Klnbs Death, as Ahab faid to Eliah. mac.. Haft thou found me, 0 rasine i energie ? So on the other fide, when it is told a penitent fin - ; net, that death knockes at the 3 5a'tn =.i8 .' doore, and beginnes to lacke Zo. him in the face; lice may fay ,,vivere of death as 'Dauid faid of A- dike piè. himaaz, Let 'him come and wel- come