The Prac`ì:ice.o{'Piety. come :for he is agood tnan,and comineth with good tidings: he 'is the meffenger of C'hriíi, and bringeth vnto tae the ioyfull neuves of eternall Life. And as the Red Sea was a gulph to drown the Egyptioms to de.i firuiion; but a paf age to the Ifraelites to conneigh .them to Comans pof effion : fo death to the wicked, is a. fiNke to hell and condemnation; but to the godly, the Çate to euerlafiing life and faluation. And one day of a * 6leffed death, will make an amends for all'the farrowes of a bitter life. When therefore thou percei- uefi thy Soule departing from thy body,pray with thy tongue if thou cant }, elfe pray in thy heart and minde thefe words, 'fixing the eyes of thy foule vp_ on Pius Chriii thy Sataiour. IL I z 769 * Srsnmem hominis bo- num bonus ex bac vita éxitos.