Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Pratt fice of Piety. 771 of Chrifi 'elms bloutd,that they may neuer bee laid to his charge. Increafe his Faith, perferue and keepe fafe his Soule from the danger of the Deui/l,and his wicked dngels. Comfort him with thy holy Spirit, caul& him now to feele that thou art his lowing Father, and that hee is thy Childe by fddoption and Grace. Saue, O Chria the price ofthineowne blood, and fufèr him not to be loa, whom thou hail bought fo deerely. Receiúe his foule, as thou dìdil the penitent Thiefe into thy heauenly Paradif :Let thy bleffed e4ingeds conduit him hither, as they carried the foule of Lazarus; and grant veto hire, .a ioyfull refurreai_ on at the lafl day. O Father,, heart vs for him, and heare thine owne Sonne, our onely Mediator, that fats at thy right hand, for him and vs all: euen fer the merits of that bitter L I. 3 death 1.1011,1,7