The Pr4îi<ice of Piety. to emr Ce the truth thereof.To . this kind of death, Chria bath protrsifed a Crowne : Be thou ffithfull veto the death, and I vifl fiat thee the crown.? oflife. Which promife the,Cha;rch fo firrnely heleeueth, that they termed cAlartyrdome it felre a Crc wue : And Cod, to a;nmate Chriíllans to this excellent prize, would, by a predi7ion that Steue i, the fira Chrithan `martyr, fhould haue his name of a Croxrne. Of 1llartjrdome there are three kinds: 1. S0l4volydntate, in will on,. ly: as John the E.u. í gelef ti, who (being belled in a Cauldron of 0y1P)caFie out rather anointed then fod, and died of old age at Epheftds. 2. Selo opere, in deed onely: as the innocents of , ethelern 3. Vcluntate ú opere, both in vviil and deed : as in the Primitiue Church, Stephen, Aas7. L l 4 Poly- f 773 Martres aaeeperunt Ron dcdetist 1 cot onas. 1 Leo Mar- i tytO GOYC- i natas. Full ! vfu.i'ly. d4)onawl a'or SEQxiC$ : ifl6y74'liS. Apo a. a co. Ber Scr in f,:11.1 uno. ßri-, N'att, in v'sL Io han.Flo_ i res I-Ei$. a,.An.,5ç, Mak:2,- -------;---,