774 Aas and Most!" gents. r.Pe.2.19 cassra,4on pnf a,falit 11,1 'rtyrem. Aug. Ep. 6.i. 1 on mo- tes, jed mo res, D. Boys. Tho.Aqu t 2.quoefl. 19.art.6. loh.r6.2. Aas 9.t. Phil, 3.6. The Pranice of piety. Pelycarpus, Ignatius, Lauren. tits, Romanus, Antiochianus, and thoufands.. And in out dayes, Cranrtrer,Latsmer, Hoa. per, Ridley, Farrar, Bradford, Philpot, Sanders, C louer, Tay. lor, and others innumerable whofe fiery zeale to GODS truth, brought them to the flames ofMartyrdome, to Peale Chrilis Faith. It is not the cru city of the death, but the in raocencie and holinege of the caufe, that traaketb a Martyr. , Neither is an erroniou-i confci ente a fufficient warrant to Puffer e !Zartyrdome, becaufe Science in Gois Word mull di- reel Confcience in mans heart. For they who killed the Apo - files, in their erronious con-. fciences, thought they did Cod, good feruice :and Paul of zeale breathed out /laughters a ,gaissli the Lords Saints. Now whie ther the caufe of our Semisaarie Friefis and lefuiies be fo holy, true