Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The PraRice of Piety. 1 true and irrnocent,as that it may warrant their Confciences to filer death, and to hazard their eternali falrration thereon,. let. Pauli E,pif;le written to the ancient Chriaia) Romans (but againa our new Antichrif ian Romans )bee judge: And it will plainely appeare, that the Igo. urine which S. Paul taught to the ancient Church of Rome, is exdiametro, oppofî,e in 26. fundamental' points of true Religion, to that which the new Church of Rome reacheth and . maintainetb. For S. Paul taught the Prinaiti'. e Church of Rome. i. Tint- our El.Rion is of G. ds free grace, and not ex o .2ril,u i pra1l1fis, Rom. 9. 12. 113. i 1.5.6- I . That wee are iulifred be- fore God by faith onely, with- out good works, Rom. 3.20.25. Rßtm et.2 &c.Rorn.i. i 7. 3. That the good workes of L f 5 . their 775 .11711exac Epiflo!a a,, Romaras, is now, E pittl is in l oRwcos. i