776 rr he Prat.Lice of `7'iety. the reZenerate; are not of their awn condigniiy meritorious, nor fuch as can deferue Heauen, Rom. 8.a.Rot?a. Y r.6.Rom.G, 21. 4.That thole Bookes -onely are gods Oracles and Cannonica4` ScriDtrsre, which were com- mitted to the c%af ody and credit of the .'expes,.Rom.3,2.Ro113.t. 2. Rom.:6.t.:6.fuch were neuer the lipocripha. d athe / S That the Holy Scriptures Scripture aue Gods authority d RQrn..g. fatth,and a7.Rom.3.4, Rtzin,tr. ; 2. con- God faith ferrecl with Gal.,. 2 t. There- the 'crip- tu, e cori- fore aboue the aauthority uth ri of the cludeth, is Church. all one 9. That all, as well Laity as with Paul, C4r17,that will tSe fattcd,mu!i { `1Ta t' 4' " I Ea tiliarl y re a,ting :=d or I¿oax7 t i Rc hra- rcfcren.ce :acr$p4ses.Rotx& .4. to what IS. r. ^,l.l.o.Iti.26. he fpake /,. That all Images made of before, the true C°od, are very Idols, flow. A.yz "o.irnapesf Roriì.3>33,anci Romrz ,z2.con- í eYrsU.w t 8. That c