The Prat-lice of Piety. \ ` 777 8. That tabor the knee reli- i giaußl to an Image ,or to wor- ihi p any creature, is metre Ido- latry, Rom, I I.4. and,a lying ferssice, Roma .25 9. That wee muff not pray voto any, but to God onely, in whom webelieue, 3..' 14.Rorn.8.1 5.27.therefare not to Saints and Alga's. lc,. That Chrift is our (MO Int'ercedòur in hearten, Roma. 34. Rorn. 5.2.Rotn. '6.27. i r . That the _onely Sacrifice of Chri(tians, is nothing but the frrituall ficrif sing of their follies and bodies to feriae God in Holinele and Righteoafne ffe, Roma 2. p.Rom. 15.16. there- fore no rat facrilcing of Chr-iai in the Mafl . 1 2. That the religious woe - f} ip, called duli4, as well as /a- tria, belongeth to God alors -, Rom. 19.Rom> i.3. i z . ROM, 6. i 8.conferred. j 13. That ail, Chrif fans are J to