Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

77g The Praïlice of T iety. to pray vnto Clod in their owne natiue language,. Rom.a4.t1. ¡4. That wee baue not of our felues,in the flare of cor_I rHptio free will vnto good. Rom. 7.' 8. &c.Rorr1.9.16. t 5. That Conc'ipifcence in the R egenerate,is finne, Rorn.7. 7,8,10. 16. That the Sacraments .do not con feral: grace ex opere o- +, perato, but fgne and fe.le that it is conferred already veto vs, Rom.4 t t. t 2,Rom.2.28.29, 17. That eucry true belee- uing Chriflian may in this life, I be afJuredof hi s f aluation,Rorn. 1 8.9.0.; 5, &c. i 8. That no man in this life, finse Adams fall, can perfe &ty fulfill the Commandements of God, Rom.7.ic.. &c. Rotn.3. i9.&c.Rom.1I.32. 19. That to place Religion in the difference of h?eates and DAyes,is fuperfl-ition, Rom.14. 20. That