Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The PrstE1ice of Piety, 779 so. That the imputed righ- teoufnefre of Chrifi,is that only that makes vs iufc before God, Rom.4,9. i 7.2;. 21. That Chrifls fie,?, was made of the Seed of Dauid, by Incarnation: not of a Wafer Cake, by Tranfubflantiarion, Rom. a.3. 22. That all true Chriffians are Saints acid not thole whom the Pope onely Both canonize, Rom, i 7. Rom,8. 2 7.Rom. 2. t 5- 3 t.Rom,i6.z.anti i5.Rorn.i 5,. 25. 24 That Ipfe, Chriff, the cod of peace, and not Ip/a, the Woman, fhould bruife the Ser- pents head, Rom.i6.2o. 25. That every foule muff of confrseuce be fubieE, and pay tribute to the Higher P over! ,. that is, the Magitirates which beare the fw ®rd; Roma 3.i.2.. &c.and therefore the Pope and a /i'Prelates muff bee fubiea to their Emperours, Kings, and c Alaoi_