Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

,fit feernes by Rom. 15.19.18. and the whole Taft Chapter, that the Chtifl:ians who were in Rome before Pact came thither, `were con- Ira The Prair.6#4,c r any , 'magi fdrates, vnletle they, will bring `Damnation vpon their Socles, as Traitors, that raja God and his Ordinance. Rom. 13.2:. 2 5. That Tai d,(not `Peter) was Ordained by the grace of god, to be the cheife Apoile of the Gentiles, and confequently of Rome, the chicle Citie of.tbe Çentiles,Rom.l5. t 5.16.19 20. Herten by &c.Rorn.l i. r4.Rom.a6.4.. thofe prey 26. That the Church of Rome chers why; map erre, and fil away from he had fét thither be the true Faith, as well as the fore him; Church of lerufaler,or any o. for he cats ther particular C'hi rch, them his 20,21.2 iletpers,v3 And feeiná the new vplart '' "g. lciurmen 6.7.13 fi Church of Rome teacheth in all lowPrifo- rhefe, and in innumerable nprs,v4.t , other points cicane contrary hr /ruì.s to that which the Apoi les or .Y hJia, where he had preached,v.,7.alljamitiartofl'm and to Tertiusx, who wrote the E.pi v.zz ,And therefore theycame fo ioyfufly to meet Paul at .apt ¡arum, !Fearing } that he was comming towatdsttomt, Aa 18. t 4 taught