The Prarlice of Piety. 1 7Igr - I taught the Prier) itige Remand; let god and this ep4/e Judge betwixt them nand vs.; whether of vs . both (lands in the true, ancient Catholicke faith, which che Apolle taught the old Ro- man:? And whether wee haue not done well to depart from them, fofarre as they haue de.- parted from the Ape/es Do, 1 arine? And whether it be not better to returne to Saint Pal;L truth, ,thea.iiill to continue in Rome.; error.? -Acid if this bee true ; then let lefiiitel and Se- minarieTrielis take htede and I feare, leaf+ it be notfirith, btt faaion, not, truth, but trealon not reAgia,but reh gion, begin- ning at T)ber, and ending at 7yburne, vvhich. is the catife of their deaths : And being fent from a rroublefome ../ipoVa- . ticali Sea, rather then from a peareAble A poslilicali State, becaufe they cannot. bee., fffe- red tn, perfwade: Subleasi r6, 1 breake t