Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

32 The Praifice of Piety. breake their Oathes, and to withdraw their e.11legiance from their Soueraigne,to raife rebellion, to moue inuafion, to flabbe and poyfon ueenes, to kill and tnutther Kings, to A f 149 9. blow vp whole States with tai Atexà gun- powder; they defperately dricaufa caa away their owte bodiestq squiNam fairecrepi t bee hanged and quartered: patefrat: iudàoattts e3 Epbeflos, MEmelio Frontino Drocon frsle non propter pro ftfonis Hamer; lid propterper- peeirata la- [roLiaias cam ion Jet preva- ricator (6. prodtto>) Eufeb,biß, ecan any Papiil count Carnet a Eaeilliib,y, (Martyr, when his owneCon- cap.s.s. fciencc forced hrn to confe,ije that it was for 7reafon, and not 1 and (their foules faced, if they belong to Cod) I Wifh finch ho hour to all his Saints that fends them.And I haue heft caufe to feare, that the miracles of Lip fns two Ladies, Blunt - Hones- Boy, Granets Straw, and the tAfaides fiery Aporne,will nor fuffice to cleare, that thefe men are not Mtartherers of them- Celtics, rather then Martyrs of ChriFL And with what confcience