Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Pratlice ofPiety. ( 783' i not for Religion that he dyed ? But if the Plieffs of fuck a Gunpowder Gofpell be 11far tyrs, I maruel who are !t'Ïurde- rers? Ifth °y be Saints,:who are Scythians ?And who are Carmi- balls, if they be Catholignes ? But leauing chete, if they will be 5ichv, to their hlthines. diill : let vs (to whole fidelity the Lord hach coal-witted his true Faith, a as precious depo- Sao i:n. 6. turn ) pray v.nto God that wee Fro may leade a holy life, anfwe.: ì gcr,,,,17. rab;e to our holy Faith,in Pie- ty to Chrit, and obedience to our King: that if our Sauiour fhalteuer count vswerthy that Aria .4t. honour to fnffer Martyrdome for his gofpclls fake : bee it by open km.rning, at the SLake, as in 09,slylefaries days : or by fe cret murdering, as in the Inq Jition hoasfe ; or by outragi ous iaaa ffacring,_ as in the ari.- flan t. Jattenr,in being blowne vp with gam-powder, as was intended