784 The Pra Eitce of Piety. intended in the Pariiamem -. Houle : wee. may haue grace to pray for the ai Hance of his holy Spirit, fo to ftrengthen our jnáltie, and to defend his carp ¡e, as that we moray Peale . with our deaths the Eu,ingcli- cull truth which we haue lam fe ff d in our liner: That in the dayes of our Hues we may., be Melted by his Word,iri the day of death be blelred in the Lord, . and in the day of Judgment, be the ble fed of his Pother. Ewen fo grails Lord lefits. tunen. 'Niuine Colloquy 6etweene,the- Soule grd her Soauiour, con cernirla the e felluall merit» of his dolorous l'a/f ons. Soule. (. Ord, wherefoYe diddeft thou nafh thy Difcipler feet? CGrif. To teach thee how thou. -------