Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The PraE!ice of Piety. thou fhou.idefi prepare thy felfe to come to my Supper. S. Lord, why wonldeß thou xrs/l them thy felfe? C To teach thee humilicy, if thou wilt be my Difcipie. S. .Lord wherefore diddeff thon before thy death infiitutc thy la/I japper? C. That thou mightef1 the better remember my death and bee affured that all the merits thereof are thine. S. Lord, wherefore wonldefß than goe to flash a place, where Iucias /clew tofifed thee? C. That thou mightefi know that I went as willingly to fuffer for thy Clime, as euer thou wentefí to any place to commit a finse. S. Lords wherefore woes /d _# than gin thy Paf on in a gar- den? C. Becaufe that in a G rde;3 thy tooke flea begin. snag? 7 5. .------ lob 13.14 Lu.ttel Ich. 18.e. IoáiI,1 Gen.3.3;'i S. Lord