Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

786 The Pratlice of Piety. S. Lord, wherefore did thj 4 Mat.2 G, 4 0' three filet`' Di/eiples fall fo fa§1 a fl epe, when thou berra anfl to fall into thy agony ? C.. To ',levy that i. alone . wrought the worke of thy Re. Ifa 6ÿ.s. demption. S. Lord why were there fo many plots and fnares laid for Mat.26.4., thee? C. That I might make thee to efcapc all the mares of thy ghoßly hunter. mat S. Lord, why wouldeft thou Tiger Indas (betraying thee) t o li jJe thee? C. That by enduring the Gen.3.4. words of dif fem6ling lips, I might there begin to expiate fin, where Sathan firfl brought . it into the world. S. Lord, Irby wouldéithou Mat ?2i.3. be fold for ;o.piecei of filuer ? C. That I might free thee Mat.s6, from perpetual! bondage. 39. S. Lord, wiy didfl thou pray { hieb 5,7. with fach ßrong crying, and tearer? C. That