Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

TbePratiice of Piety. C. That T might quench the fury of Gods Iuflice, which was fo fiercely kindled again1 thee, S. Lord,' why waft thou fo afraid, and call into filch an 4_ genie? -C. That fuffering the wrath due to thy fins, thou mightefl bee more Secure in thy death, and finde more comfort in thy croiles. S. Lord, wherefore didl thou { Mat. 26. prayfo oft, and fo earnefily, that 39,42,44 the rap might pa fe from thee? C. That thou mightefi peril -ceiize the horrour of that curie Gal 3.3. and wrath, which being due to thy Limes, I was then to drinke and endure for thee. S. Lord, wherefore didit thou aftèr thy with, fubmit thy will to the will of thy Father ? C. To teach thee .what thou (houldeíl doe in all thy affii6lions ; and how willin lj thou fhouldefi yeeld to beare with 787 --..r..._._.