Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

Iii$ The Prat-lice of Piety. with patience that Croft'e, Which thou feefi to come from the itf hand of tlyy heauenly Lu.z2,44. rather, r Ì S.Lord,rherefore diddeff groat fweat frith, drops of water and blond ? C. That I :right cleanfe thee from thTflaines 2nd hlou- dy fpots, S. Tard,why woatldejt thou e T.u.2a.54 taken,when those rightefl hoe efcaped thine enirnies ? C_ That thy 9pirituall ene. mies !Mould not take thee, and 13, cafe theeinto the prifon of tts ter darkne f fe. S. Lord,wherefa, e woulde1 Mat 26, thou be ffrraa&en of all thy Difci. s0 p pies? Ioh,t8.e. C. That I might reconcile -thee voto God, of whom theta waft forfaken for thy finnes. S. Lord, wherefore wouldefl thou (land to be apprehended a . loroe? C. To Chew thee, that my loue