ThePralfice of Piety. 7F9 loue of thy Saltiation, was more then the loue of all my Diíiri- l-1es. Marke.T4 S. Lord, whirefor-e was the S, 52, yong man caught by the Souldio ers and vsfript of his limen, -whocanoeotst ofhis bed, hears)? the fir at thy apprehenfaora,cmd leading tothe high Pricfl? kC. To Chew their outrage in apprehending me, and my pow- er in preferuing out of their outragions hands all my Z)ifi- ples, who otherw,ife had beene i, worfe handled by them, ¡hen was that yong man. ' S. Lord wherefore moa4ld01i' Mat. 2y,2, b , tihm be bound? , C. That I might bofe the cords of thine iniquities. S. Lord,arhy ;rail thou denied ; Luka.s., ,af Peter ? C. That I rni,ht eonfeffe thee k4efore my Patttier, and thou rïi.ía,,htet} learne,that there is no +,`tr,t3fl in man, and that fRlsaation emeeeds of meere mercy. S. Lord