Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

790 The Prat-lice of Piety. S. Lord wherefore wouldel t ?wott bring Peter to repentance by the crowing of a Coc1Ze? C. That none fhould defpife the mcanes which G O D bath appointed for their conuerfi. on, though they feerne neuer fo arcane. Luk'"2. S.Lord,wherefore didfl thou 61. at the C'ockke crowing, tam and looke vpon Peter ? C. Becaufe thou tnightefi know, that without the helpe of my grace, no means can turne a firmer- veto God,when he is once fallen from him. S. Lord ,wherefore w.i than folz.rg.s. cowered with a purple robe? C. That thou wightef per ceiue that it was 1, that did lfa,g.8. away thy Scarlet fumes. S. Lord, wherefore wouldes thou be crowned with tharnes. C. That . by wearing Thorne:, the first fruits of the curie, it might appeare, that it is 1 which takes away the Alves