Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Practice of Piety. fin and curt e of the world,and crowne thee with the crowne of life and glory. S. Lord why wear :i1 Reed pta into thy hand? C. That it might app .are that I came not to 6reake the 6ruired Reed. S. Lord,wherefore war? thou Ma.27.39. mocked of the Lewes? C. That thou mi ghtdíl :in- fult ouer deuills, who other_ wife would haue mocked thee,as the `Phili fitims didSam- rudg.I6, fon. as. S. Lord,where fore wouldeft thou haue thy blefed face defi- led with fpittle? C. That I might cleanfe thy face from the fharne of finne. S. Whercfore,Lord)wcre thin eyes hood - mint with A veile? Ma..14 654 C. That thy fpirituall blind - neffe being remoued, thou mi ghteft behold theface of my Father in heaucn. S. Lord, Wherefore did they Via.27,ae cì2 m 6u_ fet 791 - x.1'ct. s. Apo.2,.i9. Ma, i ago, Ma, l6,27)