792 The Prat-lice of `Piety. Mat.27. buffet thee with fills, and beate 'S' thee with flaues? C. That thou mightef} be freed from the flroakes and tea. rings of infernall fiends. S. Lord, wherefore wouldefi Via,=7 3y thou be reuiled? C. That God might fpeake peace vnto thee by his Word and Spirit. S. Lord wherefore was thy ¡oh. face disfigured with blower and ifa.5 3.a, bloud? C. That thy face might Ma.i 3.13 Thine glorious,as the Angels in Ma,z2,3o.i Heaven. S. Lord, wherefore wouldefi loh.a9. Y thou 6e fo cruelly jcourged? C. That thou mighrefl be freed from the fling of Confci- ence, and whips of cuerlafling torments. S. Lord wherefore wouldeff Mar.Y4, thou bee arraigned at Pilates 53. Barre? C. That thou mightefl at the laid day be acquitted be- fore,