The Pra1ice ofPiet). fore my Iudgement Seate. S. Lord, wherefore wouldeff Luk,s ;.a. thou be fully accuÇd? C. That thou fhouldeil not be iuftly condemned. S. Lord, wherefore wag thou turned otter to be condemned by mu,». a ( frange fudge? C. That thou being redeem reed from the captivity of a hellifh Tyrant, mighteli be re. (Toted to God, whole one thou art by right. S. wherefore, O Cbrill did thou acknowledge, that Pilate had power over theefrorn above? Ioh, i9 1 t C, That Antichrift, vnder pretence of being my Vicar, Rom, et.i, hould net exalt him/aft dose r.Fet. ' all Principalities and powers. S. Lord, why raoatla'efl thou Puffer the ?apron vnder Pontius Luk.a.3.t. Pilate,bei gaRomanProfdent Io(3.191. to Cxfar of Rome? &c. C. To Chew that the Cæ- Note well f ftrian, and `7'ontifician policie Apo. g. of Rome, fhould chiefly per- 6,1-::117.5' M m 2 fecute 793