Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

794 The FraEElice of°7'iety. fecute my hure Ioh.I9I6 y handcrue;fie mein my members. S. But why Lord, wottldeii Luk,z3.34 tbrt be condemned? C. That the Law being con. ?foal °8.3 demned in mee, thou rightefi not be condemned by ir. S.But why wall thou cosadem. Ala, z7.4 ned,feeing nothing could be pro. roh 19.6, sied againf thee? C. That thou might& 'know, that it was not for my lank but for thine, that i fuffc- red. Ma.7.7 S. Lord, wherefore waft thou ïieb. l 3.t g led to firer out of the City? Lu. 23.25. C. That T might bring thee to.refé in the heaueniy City. S. Lord why did the lever compell Simon ofSyrene, corn - ruling out of thefleld,to carry thy Croc? 3 ar.s,7. C. To thew the weakencfe whereunto the burthen of thy fumes brought wee; and what mull Sae euery Chri lians cafe t which goeth out of the field of ,4