The PraE1iceofPiet ,. of this world toward die hea- uenly 1erufalerv. S. Lord why waft thou ftrip_ pedofthygarments ? C. That thou mightefl fee how I forfooke all to redeeme thee. S. Lord wherefore wouldeft thou be lift vp upon a Crofe? C. That 1 might lift thee vp with nie to Ileauen. S Lord, wherefore eiidl shots hang v. pon a turfed Tree? C. That I might fatisfie for the finne committed incasing the forbidden fruit of a Tree. S. Lord wherefore t'otalder "thou hung betweene two themes? C. That thòu my deare foule mighteff hate- place in the midis of heauenly Angels. S. Lvrd, wherefore were thy hands and feete nailed to the Crofe? C. To inlarge thy hands to doe the workes of righte- oufnef''e; and to fet: thy feete M m 3 at 195 To. tsa3p Luke .23. Luke 23. 33. Gén.a.a, é Luke.23. Pfa.s2.I 6 la S9'2 S