Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

796- The Pratliceof Piety. Mata, a t liberty,to walke in the way et 33' of peace. S. Lord, wherefore did they crucifie thee in Golgotha, the place of dead mens fcullr? C. To affure thee, that my death is life unto the dead. S. Lord, why did not the Ioh.19,*4 Souldiers dinide t.hy, feamele fe Coate? C. To hew that my Church is one without rent or fcifine. S. Lord, wherefore didil thou a437.34 ta, vinegar and gall? G. That thou mtghtefl cate the bread of Angels, and drink the water of life. S. Lord,why faidit thou vpan loh.t94o the Croj e, it is fsnifhed? C.That thou mighteft know,. Ito4O. 4. that by my death the Law was a °"r3' fulfilled, and thy Redemption 13. %ed. Ioh. i 9,3 S. Lord,why didit thou cry out von the ufre, my9eel my God, why haft there forfak.en me? C.Leaft thou being forfaken of Ati