The PraEiceof Piety. 797 of God, fhouldefl haue beene driuen to cry in the paines of Hel!; woe, and alas, for euer- more. S. Lord,wherefore was there fuch a generall dar(nefe when lufac.zy, thou did"; flier and cry out on 4I. the Croe? C. That thou tnightefl fee an Image of thole heliifh pains which I fuffered to deliuer thee from the endlefe paines of hell, z Pet and euerlafling chains of dark- rude v.e. ne %. S. Lord why would5 thou have thine armes nailed abroad C. That I might imbrace °h'79'2' thee more Iouingly, my fweet foule. S. Lord, how did the Theft 141.13 43. that newer xvrought good before, obtaine Paradife fo fhort repentance? C. That thou mayen fee the power of my death, to forgiue them that repent,that no firner needs defpaire. M m 4 S. Lard